The newest version of the CCleaner 5.45 released by the Piriform/Avast, it is very much difficult to disable the Active Monitoring feature with this new version. However, it has provoked an angry reaction from the public due to the faulty functioning of the Active Monitoring feature. When you even try to disable it by going to the CCleaner Settings. Choose the Monitoring option.
The Active Monitoring feature will allow the CCleaner Free to monitor your installation process in the background easily, so you don’t have to worry about the recent updates or any new releases. And when you don’t want to monitor your system by using the CCleaner, then you just need to turn-off Active Monitoring features by following the few simple steps. The steps are discussed below:
Steps to Stop CCleaner Active Monitoring Feature
Though the CCleaner Active Monitoring provides a simple and easy way to clean up all junk files easily, occasionally, it can be very irritated for the users. But here we explain a very simple and time-saving solution to this situation is turn off Active Monitoring feature if you don’t rather CCleaner to monitoring your computer system.
1. Click to launch CCleaner
2. Choose “Options.”
3. Subsequently, select Monitoring.
4. Now, from the following given three option, you need to choose the one:
Enable System Monitoring
Enable Browser Monitoring
Enable Active Monitoring
5. Select and unmark the “Enable Active Monitoring” box.
6. After doing this, CCleaner will not appear in your system tray.
7. Now, need to disable Active Monitoring by going to its settings option.
8. Now, disable CCleaner startup by using the MISCONFIG.
Here one more thing that you need to know that by using the X button you cannot close CCleaner. Whenever you click on the X, the program automatically minimizes to the notification area. You need to execute the program only by using the CCleaner.
