Nowadays, mobile numbers are linked to almost every place such as Driving License, Aadhar Card, Digital Accounts, and more importantly Bank Accounts. SIM is one of the most convenient options to communicate with anyone and any times as they are always in the hand of the users, and they can also notify you about the messages which is sent across the people.
However, this simply means that fraud can easily happen when some of the users are linked to everyplace. Due to this reason, the banking system has created several security restrictions such as OTP, 3D verification, and many more.
Here let’s talk about one such fraud which might increase on an upcoming day that is SIM Swap Fraud and some important tips to prevent it. Sometimes, criminals are doing fraud through SIM card and steal your every personal and confidential information with the use of SIM card.
To prevent yourself from these SIM card fraud, we suggest you install antivirus on your mobile devices. For saving your precious time, we recommend you to install Norton on your device. Norton antivirus security software provides best services and high-quality protection with malware and various other viruses. For more info visit Norton website or for any query dial the toll-free number of Norton customer support.
About SIM Swap Fraud
One of the biggest problems with a number connected to an account is that if anyone gets access to your number, then with the basic knowledge about you, generally, available in social media; then the criminal can get access to your bank account or online transactions. It might be done by any of your family member, a friend and might be a stranger.
Under Sim Swap Fraud process, the criminal can manage to obtain a new SIM card which is issued against your registered mobile number, and they might use OTP of your bank account and get access easily.
How Criminals Gain Access to your SIM Card?
Criminals collect your personal information through Phishing, Vishing, Smishing or many other ways. Never share your signature, bank account details, confidential data and xerox copy with anyone whom you don’t know.
In any case, if they have all your basic details, they might call the mobile operator, and get your SIM blocked. They will also use your home address, date of birth, and other details which are required by the company.
Once the SIM card was activated, they might get OTP for your Debit or Credit Card transactions, and after blocking the SIM card, the phone number will not be notified by messages.
How to Prevent from SIM Card Swap fraud?
If your phone number is out of service for a long time and then it might be possible that it has been unusually stopped working.
Never share your mobile phone no, 20 digits SIM number, IMEI number with anyone.
Always register your number with banks for instant alert or notification over your email id.
Never respond to unknown emails or calls which is asking for your account details or mobile number.
Try to block spammers by using apps like TrueCallers.
Things to do in Case of SIM Swap Fraud?
In case, if you have recognized a fraud transaction, then immediately call your bank and block your debit and credit card transactions
If you found any fraud transaction, then call your operator and file a complaint. For filing complaint, you need to visit with original ID card and address proof.
As we discussed before, to protect yourself from SIM card fraud you need to install antivirus. We recommend you to install Norton, provides you best protection against malware and online threats. For more info visit or to get any quick help dial the toll-free number of Norton customer support.
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